Friday, December 23, 2011

Great Advice

So I had the pleasure of having a drink (or two) with a wonderful person the other night.
We talked about many things, but there was one thing this person said to me that really stuck with me.

I was feeling a little down and I asked this person what it was that he thought most people didn't like about me. He seemed puzzled when I asked him this, and he gave me the best answer anyone could have possibly given me.

He said, "why do you even waste your time wondering what people don't like about you? Why does that even matter? You shouldn't want to change yourself for anybody. Just be yourself and the right people will come around and love you for exactly who you are."

After hearing this, I felt a bit foolish. He was very right. Why does it matter, and why should I even care what other people think of me? I am who I am, and I am never going to change. So instead of wasting my time and energy wondering why people don't like me, I should focus my attention on the people who love me for everything I am and creating strong relationships with them.

So if you're ever feeling down because you feel like people don't like you, and you're wondering what you can do to change that; Just remember that you'll always be who you are. And the people that matter the most are the people who will love everything about you. Surround yourself with positive energy, and you will always be happy.

Just thought I'd share this great advice! =)

<3 Kara Santa Ana

1 comment:

  1. I heard that at one point there were photos of my hubby and I on the facebook page for 'thirstylionpub'. Ive looked over and over and can't find them. I remember lots being taken, and then tonight when we were there eating, the manager recognized us from 'facebook photos'. LOL can you help.?? They were taken on the dance floor.
